I first teach lines 3 and 4 of this piece, as they are the easiest to remember/copy. I play or sing the piano part while they answer. The rhythm is different the fourth time, so I like to turn this into a game, trying to catch people out. I then teach the Chorus, asking them to stand and sit instead of playing the notes. This helps to focus and release energy at the same time. Lastly I teach the first two lines, showing them how to hold the bow and pluck at the same time, though it can also be fun to see them grab for their bows in the bar rest. The icing on the cake is asking them to count out loud the eight beat link into the chorus, then the same only silently for the return to the beginning. I think of it as a sort of introduction to counting bar rests. The melody for this piece is in book 3. Colleagues of mine made up words to the chorus that the kids love to sing:
My cat cannot do the Can-can better than my dog can
And my goldfish finds it very difficult so
Now my cat is doing Can-can lessons and my
Goldfish gave it up instead he's doing tap!
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