This piece serves as a cure for the most undisciplined bow hold. I ask the pupils to place the tip of the bow on the G string ('G runway') and wait for clearance that is signalled in the introduction. They then start the up-bow slowly, gaining in volume over four beats until they launch the bow into the air with an almighty roar before quickly replacing the bow at the tip on the string. For the middle section I encourage a lighter ('airborne') quality with not too much bow. The final G in this section is one long down-bow that lasts for two bars where they will find themselves at the tip ready for the reprieve. This encourages them to lean into the string and relax their grip on the bow. Placing the final 'ggg G' can be a little hard to synchronise, but this I find adds to the dramatic effect. Reference to the piano part will help to understand how this piece works.
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